Viewing designs
This will redraw the design on your screen to make sure all changes that you have made are currently shown.
Slow Redraw
This function makes the redraw tool show up on the top of your screen. You can click and drag on the slider to see the sewing order of your design backwards or forwards. You can also use the forward and back arrows to redraw automatically and click pause to stop drawing. Move the speed slider to adjust the drawing speed.
To exit the slow redraw mode, right click or press Esc.
The “Zoom Tool” enlarges or reduces the view of the active window. The left click enlarges the view by 2 times each time it is used. The right click reduces the view by 2 times each time it is used. By clicking on and holding down the left mouse button, then dragging your mouse in any direction, it will fit to screen the selected area.
You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out.
if you have a scroll wheel on your mouse, you can use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out, If you hold down the Ctrl key while using the scroll wheel, the screen will zoom in or out around your mouse cursor. This take a little practice, but once you are familiar with it, it a real time saver over using Pan and zoom
When pan is activated you can move around in your design by left clicking and dragging on the screen without using the scroll keys.
3-D Stitching
This icon will allow you to toggle back and forth between seeing a 3-D image of your embroidery to a flat depiction of the design.
Turns Grid on or off. You can right click on Rulers to change the grid properties. You can also select Tools menu, properties and then Grid tab to change the grid settings.
Turns Stitches on or off. If the stitches are turned off it will show the outlines only.
Stitch Ends
Turns Stitch ends or needle penetrations on or off.
Turns the on screen display of command icons such as color changes and trims on or off.
Artworks Show/Hide
Choose to hide any artworks (vectors) that you have either imported or created
Use this icon to select a hoop size and bring it into your design space.
Also this function allows you to create a custom hoop or choose an existing hoop and bring it to the center of your design.
Start Stop
Use this icon to select a hoop size and bring it into your design space.
Last Stitch
This displays an icon on the screen showing you where the last stitch is located. This is useful when digitizing to show you weere the last stitch in a block is so you can connect properly.
Activates the ruler and allows you to click on the beginning and drag to the end to get a measurement of any part of your design.
Tool Bars
Use top Show or Hide different tool bars in the program.
A check by the tool bar name indicates that tool bar is displayed'
Backdrop Show/Hide
Turns Backdrop on or off.