Font Editor

Font Editor

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Product Information

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Font Editor allows you to create new fonts for CORE. It also allows you to edit any existing fonts.
Cores powerful font editor makes creating a font simple and fast.

Create any type of font from normal fonts, monograms, applique, etc…

Create and edit border lines for perfect automatic borders, create special characters, monogram decors. If it has to do with Core lettering, you can make it or edit it with Font Editor.
Font Editor2


Font Editor incorporates True letter kerning.
Incorporate kerning tables from any TTF or create your own. Adjust kerning pairs for any font in the system.
If you think the L and the Y in any font should be closer together, then you can adjust that spacing so your font comes out exactly the way you want it , EVERY TIME.
Stop wastign your time makign lettering adjustments every time you set text!

Product CodeFONT2RNR5
Manufacturerimage makers

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