General options

General Options
This is probably the most powerful tool in the entire software program, because you can use this to customize the software to perform in the way that your are most comfortable. Included within this section are seven different tabs, I will explain each one separately.
Environment tab
Units - (metric or inches)
Default Style -This section contains many different preset combinations for many different fabrics, just choose the fabric you are currently working on and the design will be customized for that fabric.
Default thread chart- Match this up with the thread brand you will be using,
Auto-match thread color on loading-Click this box if you want the program to match up the closest colors to those in your design.
Image Editing program- This defaults to Paint, you can change this to whatever software program you have loaded on your computer.
Drawing Tab
You can choose a color for the program to use to highlight your selected items.
Auto-Baste Tab
You can set the length of your basting stitches and how far from the edge of the embroidery you want them placed.
Color Sort Tab
This defaults to 5% which is the amount that you want to overlap when you color sort your design.
Machine Tab
This allows you to set the tolerance for jumps and trim, remove short stitches, set your frame out and set the distance and type of boring device.
Grid Tab
Choose size of grid, turn snap to on or off, show as lines or dots.
Digitizing Tab
Outline Input Mode-Options Simple Draw, Bezier, and freehand are the three different ways to create a straight line and curve during the digitizing process.
Complex fill- You have two choices as to what degree of control you have in the creation of complex fills.
Standard- This will choose the start and stop points and the angle of the stitches automatically, 90 degrees is the default angle.
Advanced- This will allow you to choose the angle of the stitches and the start stop point manually.
Satin Stitches- You have two choices as to what degree of control you have in the creation of satin stitches.
Standard- This will automatically put in the stitch direction as perpendicular to the two outside lines used to create the satin stitch, when you are using satin (3)
Advanced- This will allow you to choose the start and stop pint and the angle of all of the stitches manually.