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Open and Merge

Use this selection to import embroidery designs into the software. CORE can import most embroidery files.

Merge allows you to then add an additional design into the current one.

Artwork and Backdrops

Artwork consists of vector images that you import into the program, These vectors can be converted directly to embroider as described in the digitizing section. Not all Artwork is designed to be converted to stitches, You may , for instance want to import artwork to use as alignment for text.

Backdrops are raster images such as BMP, JPG etc.. that you intend to digitize  into stitches.

Import Bitmap, This is also used for raster images, btu it is not intended to be digitized into stitches. Bitmap images imported in this manner act more like stitches in the way they are viewed. You can import a bitmap, and then display your stitching on top  of the bitmap to make a virtual sample for instance



Save and Export

Save your files and or bitmaps, artworks in your choice of embroidery or image formats

Printer Options

Printing designs



Use this function to print out your designs.


Print Preview

Use this function to see what your printout is going to look like before you print. You will normally want to select the Print Preview function, then select your options from the Settings button at the top of the print preview page


Print Setup

This function allows you to choose what information you wish to print out with the design, (Start point, size, thread colors, etc.)

Design Analysis

Displays run time information about the current designs,number of colors  , run time etc...

Send to Machine

Send the design on the screen to the embroidery machines, (cable required)
You can also choose to sent to a folder on your computer or network. Some machine manufacturers utilize network systems that "watch" specific folders for designs, This option allows you a quick and easy way to save a design to your watch folder in the required format


Recent Files

The last files that you had open, you can click this




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