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General Editing

Cut - Removes the selected item from the designs and places it on the clipboard

Copy- Retains the selected item in the design and places a copy on the clipboard

Paste-Places the content of the clipboard into the current design

Duplicate-Creates a copy of the selected design on a temporary clipboard, Each time you click the left mouse on the canvas, the contents will be pasted into the current design
Insert Use this option to paste clipboard contents after the currently select block

Delete - Removes the selection from the design


Optimize Sequence  Reorders blocks selected to reduce walking stitches.

Optimize Entry Exit  Automatically changes the start and end point of a group of selected block to closest join. This will increase productivity by eliminating unnecessary thread trims

Color Sort Reorder blocks to combine like colors to reduce color changes

Convert to Manual

Converts the selection from Outline data to pure stitch data

Break Up Text

Occasionally you will need to convert the text object you created into separate objects. This function is similar to Un Group, however once text is broken, you will not be able to edit it as text, the system will consider the text objects as if they were any other digitized blocks


Used to Resize the selection. See the Transform section for detailed information




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