Core Gold
Core Titanium
Core Platinum
GOLD Fonts
Core Gold is a Editing and Lettering Program to get you started in the Core program family. You can easily upgrade this program or you can choose modules that plug in seamlessly to create a custom program to suite your needs exactly.
Core starts you off with a solid platform that reads and writes most every commercial embroidery format.
- 30 Embroidery Fonts on Cores unique Lettering engine with integrated Monogramming
- Merge Designs
- Set Colors
- Group and Un-group blocks /colors/items
- Show/Hide Colors for easy editing
- Select/Copy/Paste/reshape, move and delete blocks
- Flip, Mirror, rotate and Duplicate
- Align selections automatically
- Reorder designs
- Repeat design or blocks in Carousel, Reflect, or Scatter
- Send designs to your machine via cable
- Convert Stitch Files to Outline files on the fly. Allowing you the ability to adjust density, underlay etc...
A comprehensive lettering and monogramming engine that creates lettering and monograms easier that you thought possible.
Create automatic border stitching on lettering - Create running stitches Normal, Bean and 2 ply
- Preset embroidery profiles to apply to your designs help the novice choose which setting to use.
Automatic Optimizing of start and end points to minimize thread trimmingand more...

Core Gold comes pre packaged with a selection of fonts to get you started.
Check out the NEW Core font viewer. This will allow you to see all the fonts available.
This area is under construction, so we may be missing a font image or 2, but we are working on it daily, so check back often
Core Fonts
Upgrade to CORE from your current software and SAVE!